Work With

We are looking for the people to work with us on the following roles.

1. Educational Content developer

If you have the knowledge, we will train you on the ways to channelize that and become the next big Content Developer. 
Just check out our requirements below and email your CV with complete details of your experience with the details of the project you want to work on with us at

We will get back to you shortly and process the interviewing and onboarding.

We are hiring Interns, Part-Time or Full-Time working people. 



Type of Work

Quantitative AptitudeHigher-level mathsSolution writing
 Competitive examsFresh Creation
 K12 level 
 Management level entrance exam 
ReasoningCompetitiveSolution writing
 ManagementFresh Creation
GK/GACompetitiveSolution writing
 ManagementFresh Creation
EnglishCompetitiveSolution writing
 K12Fresh Creation
SanskritCompetitive Exams 
ComputersCompetitiveSolution writing
 K12Fresh Creation
 Higher Level 
ScienceCompetitiveSolution writing
(PCB)K12Fresh Creation
 Higher level 
Legal AptitudeCLAT/AILETSolution writing
(LAW Exams) Fresh Creation
AgricultureState-level exams
Solution writing (less)
Fresh Creation (More)
Pol Science  
Animal Husbandry  
IITJEECompetitionSolution writing
(Maths, Physics, Chemistry)Assessment creationFresh Creation
NEETCompetitiionSolution writing
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology)Assessment creationFresh Creation
Engineering LevelGATE LevelSolution Writing
Mechanical Engineering  
Electrical Engineering  
Civil Engineering  
Computer Science Engineering  
Electronics Engineering  
Higher Maths  

2. Translator

Whether you are a newbie translator or an experienced one. We have the space for you in our team. 
Just check out our requirements below and email your CV with complete details of your experience with the details of the project you want to work on with us at

We will get back to you shortly and process the interviewing and onboarding.

We are hiring Interns, Part-Time or Full-Time working people. 


Type of Translation

English to HindiQuestion and Solution
English to BengaliWord Translation 
English to Oriya 
English to Kannada 
English to Marathi 
English to Gujarati 
English to Punjabi 
English to Urdu 

Email Your CV with the details of the project you want to work on, at,



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